Nobel Biocare offers an extensive assortment of bone-level and tissue-level dental implants for all indications, bone types and surgical protocols, to satisfy every user experience level and selected treatment concept.
NobelReplace & Replace Select Tapered - One implant system for all your needs
The well-established and easy-to-use implant system with four options for high treatment flexibility
Custom-made devices – unique service for unique cases
Nobel Biocare offers custom-made devices that are intended for special indications or cases for which the existing product assortment or replacement parts do not offer a feasible clinical solution.
NobelReplace & Replace Select Tapered - One implant system for all your needs
The well-established and easy-to-use implant system with four options for high treatment flexibility
Custom-made devices – unique service for unique cases
Nobel Biocare offers custom-made devices that are intended for special indications or cases for which the existing product assortment or replacement parts do not offer a feasible clinical solution.